Michael Fairchild Photography

Around the World for the Armchair Traveler

Professional photographer Michael Fairchild has wandered the globe for the past 40 years searching for compelling images and stories. His latest production, entitled "Around the World for the Armchair Traveler," is a compilation of his many experiences: through the mountains of western China to the ruins of Machu Picchu, from the castles of France to the volcanic archipelago of the Galapagos, from the mysteries of India to the enchantment of Ireland. Over 17 countries are included in this program. Each location's beauty has been captured in words and images for this fascinating multimedia experience that will captivate audiences of all ages. Michael Fairchild's photographs have been published by Time-Life, Nikon, Kodak, Audubon, Sierra Club, and National Geographic. Cost $500 per day.

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